Riverside Baptist Church is an Independent Baptist Church that's over a century old! And yet, we remain a relevant lighthouse pointing to God's truth and unfailing love in our community. Our ministries are designed for families and individuals of all ages, races, education and income levels.
Riverside Baptist Church is known for its warmth, friendliness, and generosity. We are enriched by being a multi-ethnic congregation, just like our neighborhood!
Our focus is on the Lord Jesus Christ.
Our Purpose
- To worship the Lord God Almighty in spirit and in truth and serve Him together wholeheartedly.
- To spread the Gospel through the clear teaching of the Bible.
- To make disciples (followers) of Jesus Christ.
- To equip the saints (Christians) to do the work of the ministry and work together, using our Spiritual Gifts, to serve in our church, local community and the world.
- To be a joyful people, instruments of the Holy Spirit, showing that God is still as powerful and relevant today as in Biblical days.
- Our guide is the Holy Bible.